Limb Reconstructions > Blog > Clinical Blog > Complex Lower Leg Injury > Part 19 (25 November 2016) – Complex Lower Leg Injury with Significant Injury to the Knee Joint and Extensor Mechanism
Part 19 (25 November 2016) – Complex Lower Leg Injury with Significant Injury to the Knee Joint and Extensor Mechanism

Part 19 – 25 November 2016
Leg alignment almost normal. Corrected 7 degrees of valgus. Unfortunately the pain has increased in the knee itself.
Will continue with the correction until some varus is achieved whilst observing the knee function. Hopefully we will get mechanical axis to the medial side and minimise the pain.

- Correct into slight varus to improve function of the knee
knee function knee pain limb alignment limb reconstruction mechanical axis orthopedic follow-up orthopedic surgery post-surgical care tibial correction valgus correction varus adjustment

Author: Matija Krkovic
I am a consultant orthopaedic trauma surgeon working at Addenbrooke's hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.