Ankle Fusion in Active Patients

A fracture or dislocation of the talus is a life changing injury. Therefore, the management of the injury in a timely manner is, in my opinion, of the utmost importance.
Removal of the talus and fusion of the tibia onto the heel bone may seem somewhat excessive. That is not the case in practice.
In this case, we needed 14 months from the accident to the latest X-rays and videos – walking and riding a bike.
ankle fusion surgery ankle reconstruction cycling after injury foot and ankle trauma foot biomechanics fracture management functional recovery heel bone fusion limb reconstruction limb salvage procedures lower limb injuries lower limb mobility orthopaedic case study orthopaedic surgery orthopaedic trauma care. post-injury recovery timeline post-surgical rehabilitation post-traumatic rehabilitation talus dislocation talus fracture talus removal tibia fusion walking after talus fracture weight-bearing recovery X-ray follow-up

Author: Matija Krkovic
I am a consultant orthopaedic trauma surgeon working at Addenbrooke's hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.