All posts tagged: limb salvage

“Limb Reconstruction Team” – Who Does What?

Limb reconstruction is a collaborative effort involving orthopaedic, plastic, and vascular surgeons, as well as anaesthetists, infectious disease specialists, physiotherapists, and nursing staff. This team works together to ensure effective debridement, bone fixation, soft tissue coverage, and post-operative rehabilitation. Each specialist plays a critical role in restoring function and preventing complications in complex limb injuries.

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Limb Reconstruction – What Is It?

Limb reconstruction is a complex surgical approach aimed at restoring function to an injured or diseased limb. The process involves thorough assessment, soft tissue reconstruction, and bone regeneration using techniques like fine wire frames and corticotomy. Patients undergoing limb reconstruction must be prepared for a long-term recovery journey, with regular follow-ups to monitor bone healing and alignment.

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Limb Reconstructions After Retirement Age

Limb reconstruction in retired patients presents unique challenges, balancing the risks of complex surgery against the high energy demands of amputation. This case study explores the journey of a patient with a severe tibial fracture, detailing the surgical approach, complications, and long-term outcomes. With insights into bone regeneration, soft tissue healing, and mobility post-reconstruction, this blog provides valuable considerations for elderly patients facing limb salvage procedures.

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Part 2 – Complex Lower Leg Injury with Significant Injury to the Knee Joint and Extensor Mechanism

Progress continues in this complex limb reconstruction case using the Ilizarov apparatus. The tibial corticotomy has been completed, and bone lengthening is underway with visible regenerate formation. The proximal fracture has been disimpacted, aligned, and prepared for docking into the medullary canal. While weight-bearing remains painful, all pin sites are stable, and the next phase of treatment is set to begin.

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